Methods of Home Mushroom Cultivation


Learn about the mushroom life cycle and varieties of mushrooms that are easiest to grow at home. We’ll discuss methods and techniques for cultivating mushrooms on a small scale, with an emphasis on log cultivation and supplemented sawdust substrates. Additional topics include a discussion of aseptic techniques used to prevent contamination, DIY lab equipment, spawn production, saving and maintaining cultures, strain assessment, and expansion techniques. Grow kits will be available for sale.


Entrepreneurs, culinary, food production workers, public


Aseptic techniques used to prevent contamination, spawn production, saving and maintaining cultures, strain assessment, and expansion techniques


Gain an understanding of the fruiting process and life cycle.

Learn to innoculate logs with mycelia.

Become familiar with varieties of mushrooms that are easy to cultivate at home.

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Methods of Home Mushroom Cultivation
Delivery Options

Delivered in-person in a classroom or lab setting.

Contact Hours


College Options